President of Twitter?

Is social media making it harder for Democrats to nominate a winning candidate?

Reactions to 1619

In this case, Rich Lowry’s.

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

Conservatives, Reactionaries, and Backlash

Is the left unwittingly fueling a reactionary moment?

American Public Strongly Supports Statehood For Puerto Rico

In contrast to the idea of granting statehood to the District of Columbia, the American public appears to strongly support statehood for Puerto RIco.

Trump’s Racism Reveals The Moral Cowardice Of The GOP And Conservatives

The failure of Republicans and conservatives to denounce the President’s racism reveals everything that has gone wrong with the “right” in the Trump Era.

Nike Pulls Old Glory Flag After Kaepernick Complaint

The ex-athlete has picked a bizarre target.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

The Birthers Come For Kamala Harris

A new racist meme questioning Kamala Harris’s background is circulating on the Internet.

The Reparations Debate Reaches Capitol Hill

Congress is considering a bill that would establish a commission to examine the issue of reparations for slavery.;

They’ve Got XCIX Problems, But Arabic Numerals Ain’t One

Amusing results, and a history lesson, in a new poll

Jefferson Davis Highway Slowly Going Away

Northern Virginia is slowly undoing an anachronism.

Foreign Interference in Elections

A law professor asks some interesting questions, but ultimately not the right ones.

George Washington Students Want to Drop ‘Colonials’ Nickname

Despite the obvious connection with the university’s namesake, the word does have other connotations.

What the Hell is Going on at Carolina?

More turmoil in the UNC athletic program threatens Carolina’s academic standing.

A Comparative Note on Prisoner Voting

Sanders’ suggestion is not as outside democratic norms as one might think.

No, the Electoral College Wasn’t About Slavery

Princeton historian Sean Wilentz lays to rest a pernicious idea propagated by . . . Princeton historian Sean Wilentz.

Harvard Sued Over Ownership of Slave Photos

A racist scholar took some fascinating photos of an enslaved man in 1860. Now, his descendants want the rights to them.

Florida Republicans Working to Gut Restoration of Felon Voting Rights

Last November the state voted overwhelming to amend its constitution. The lawmakers they elected at the same time are sabotaging it.

The History of Blackface

A reading recommendation.

Virginia Governor Faces Pressure To Resign Over Racist Yearbook Photos

National and Virginia Democratic officials are calling on Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to resign over racist photos in his 1984 medical school yearbook.

Trump Shutdown Longest Ever and Violates Law

Federal employees deemed “essential” missed a paycheck yesterday in violation of US labor law.

After 20-Year Delay, Works from 1923 Lose Copyright Protection

The damage done for Mickey Mouse in the name of Sony Bono is finally coming to an end.

Birthright Citizenship Isn’t Just The Law, It’s A Good Idea Too

In addition to being mandated by the Constitution, birthright citizenship goes to the core of what it means to be an American.

Legal Experts Weigh In On Trump’s Silly Birthright Citizenship Ideas

Overwhelmingly, legal experts agree that President Trump is wrong about birthright citizenship and the Fourteenth Amendment.

Democracy and Institutional Design II: A (Very) Basic Definition of Democracy

The second installment of a seemingly forgotten series.

Cold Civil War or Civil Cold War?

The Kavanaugh fight is just another indicator of our national divide.

What The Gosar Family Tells Us About Our Broken Political Culture

Six siblings of Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar are starring in political ads against him. This is just another unfortunate example of the extent to which our political culture has been ruined by hyperpartisan polarization.

Corey Stewart Caught Praising The Confederacy In 2017 Campaign Video

The Republican Party’s nominee for Senator in Virginia really is as bad as you’ve heard, probably worse.

Corey Stewart: The Virginia GOP’s White Supremacist Albatross

Corey Stewart rose to become the Republican Party’s Senate nominee in Virginia with blatant appeals to racial division. Now his party fears they’ll be the ones who end up paying the price.

Did The Supreme Court ‘Overrule’ Korematsu? Not Really

Contrary to what many people have claimed, the Supreme Court’s decision in Trump v. Hawaii did not overturn one of the most controversial decisions in its history.

Hours After Praising A Brutal Dictator, Trump Attacked Justin Trudeau Again

Trump spent much of Tuesday praising a dictator who has murdered and imprisoned millions of people. Then he returned to attacking the democratically elected leader of one of our closest allies.

Could SCOTUS’s Ruling In Masterpiece Cakeshop Impact Trump’s Muslim Ban?

Some legal scholars are speculating that the Court’s ruling in Masterpiece Cakeshop could impact the ruling on the President’s Muslim Travel Ban. This seems unlikely.

In Narrow Ruling, Supreme Court Sides With Baker In Same-Sex Wedding Discrimination Case

In an exceedingly narrow ruling, the Supreme Court sided with a Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding reception. However, the ruling did not address the broader issues raised by the case.

Trump Pardons Right-Wing Provocateur Dinesh D’Souza

President Trump has issued another controversial pardon.

Mike Pence Thinks A Year Is Long Enough For The Russia Investigation

Mike Pence’s obsequiousness to his master knows no limits.

Trump Not Running In 2020? Don’t Bet On It

Hoping that Donald Trump might not run for reelection? Don’t get your hopes up.

Teacher Says ‘America Has Never Been Great for Minorities’

Johnetta Benton was caught on tape in a 15-minute rant against President Trump’s campaign slogan. She ain’t wrong.

Yes, Non-Citizens are Represented in Congress

If you recall your grade school civics, you already knew this.

Linda Brown, Plaintiff In Brown v. Board of Education, Dies At 75

A woman who was at the center of one of the most important Supreme Court cases in American history has died at the age of 75.

South Africa Votes to Confiscate White-Owned Land

Under Nelson Mandela’s leadership, the country made a smooth transition from apartheid. Now it’s going the way of Zimbabwe.

‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ And ‘Huckleberry Finn’ Banned By Minnesota School District

Two classic pieces of American Literature have been banned from the curriculum in Duluth, Minnesota. This is a mistake.

A Return to “a Republic, not a Democracy”

And a little Electoral College for good measure.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

American Ideals?

Some thoughts about why the president’s remarks on immigration are so problematic.

Alabama Senate Election Is A Toss Up, But Moore Seems To Be Favored

Polling remains uncertain in the Alabama Senate race, but the odds favor Roy Moore.

Roy Moore: America Was Great Back When We Still Had Slavery

Roy Moore wishes he was back in the days of cotton when families were close and African-Americans were enslaved.

Supreme Court Hears Arguments In Case Pitting First Amendment Rights Against LGBT Rights

The Supreme Court held oral argument in a case that pits First Amendment rights against the rights of LGBT Americans.

Donald Trump’s Unqualified Judges

As a candidate, Donald Trump liked to claim that he only hired the “top people.” and said he would do the same thing as President. So far, it isn’t working out that way.

Is Centrism A Viable Political Strategy? It Sure Doesn’t Look Like It

The ‘No Labels’ movement is back, and it’s as irrelevant to contemporary politics as ever.

Removing Confederate Statues Is Not ‘Erasing History’

The battle over Confederate statues that was resurrected by the violence in Charlottesville is off the front pages, but that doesn’t mean it’s over quite yet.

A few words about Charlottesville…

We mourn Charlottesville because Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States, made clear in no uncertain terms that in his mind there was little distinction between those in Charlottesville who pursued the un-American “values” of soil, blood, and racial dominance and those who pursued the ideals of the American Constitution.