Jim Jordan is trying to bully his way into office. It almost certainly won’t work.
Shockingly, the current President’s numbers are worse than his predecessor’s.
A columnist argues his failed launch was emblematic of a larger problem.
“The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom. More rights or fewer.”
It’s probably not strange visitors from outer space but we can’t rule it out.
Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans truly represent most Americans. Fixing that is exceedingly unlikely.
Vladimir Putin is banning commodity exports.
With masks off, political leaders are urging people to get out there and spend money.
The plans to replicate the chaos in the Great White North are not coming together.
Right wing protestors are expected to attempt to create (more) gridlock in the capitol later today.
We may be out of Afghanistan but the ‘war on terror’ is likely to continue indefinitely.
Elected officials should not comment on ongoing legal proceedings.
Judges are pressuring prosecutors to strike deals, most of which will be for misdemeanors.
The official campaign to oust Donald Trump is off to a good start.
A non-exhaustive tour of Trump’s utterances on the pandemic since January.
The President is learning more about the Constitution every day.
Another controversy amid a reality show State of the Union address.
The President is committing enough high crimes and misdemeanors without us manufacturing them.
Beto O’Rourke wants to use government policy to punish religious institutions that don’t recognize same-sex marriages.
The impeachment battle on Capitol Hill is revealing a whole lot of Republican hypocrisy.
Much like it did during the McCarthy Era, the Republican Party has to decide what side of history it wishes to be on. The right side, or the wrong side.
Jake Tapper and Chris Wallace both put Administration surrogates through the ringer on their respective Sunday morning shows.