In which I agree with Trump about the problem, but NOT the solution
Could Democrats replace their oldest Justice before it’s too late?
House Republicans still can’t get out of their own way.
Electoral Count Act reforms are “hidden” in the bipartisan budget bill.
Congress is poised to legislate protections previously mandated by the courts.
The most expansive firearms legislation in decades is likely to become law.
Susan Collins and other Senators claiming otherwise are just wrong.
At least not right away. But it’s quite possible by 2040.
The Senator from Maine once against demonstrates that she shouldn’t be prognosticating about people’s future actions.
The 46th President will follow the lead of the 40th in making a historic appointment.
Why oh why won’t people stop commenting on the lady Senator’s outfits?
It’s not perfect but it beats our usual approach to picking winners and losers.
An over-eager supporter or something more sinister?
The GOP is actually pretty healthy at the moment, despite some public rhetoric to the contrary.
The President used his first speech to Congress as an attempt to unite the country.
It’s undemocratic and we should get rid of it. But doing so isn’t a panacea.
The Senate’s last conservative Democrat is taking President Biden’s call for unity seriously.
And illustrations of the fact that this isn’t a regular trial.
Most agree that it was good theater. But it’s not clear what they’ve proven.
As expected, the second impeachment trial of the 45th President will proceed.
The legal debates are unsettled but we can all agree that Rand Paul is a moron.
Explaining the continuing cowardice of GOP Senators.