The Office of Legal Counsel

Holding the president accountable is hard.

Police Shouldn’t Be Anonymous

Cops aren’t soldiers or spies but fellow citizens.

Non-Violent Protests

At what point does a demonstration become something else?

China’s Demographic Genocide Against Uighers

The regime’s crackdown on their Muslim minority is worse than imagined.

Trump Pushing Out US Attorney Investigating Trump Associates

For the second time, the chief federal prosecutor for Manhattan has been fired.

US Retaliates for Iranian Retaliation

A proportional response.

Trump Impeached On Abuse of Power And Obstruction of Congress

For the third time in history, an American President has been impeached.

Saudi Air Force Trainee Kills Three At Florida Naval Base

Questions linger after a shooting leaves three people and the shooter dead in an incident at one of the nation’s largest Naval facilities.

Gantz Unable To Form New Government, Israeli Politics Becomes More Chaotic

Blue & White Party Leader Benny Gantz was unable to form a new government, throwing Israel into another political crisis.

ISIS A Big Winner After Trump’s Retreat

ISIS is quickly taking advantage of the abrupt American withdrawal from northern Syria.

Pence And Pompeo ‘Ceasefire’ Benefits Turks, Syria, And Russia, Screws Kurds

American negotiators are claiming a ceasefire in northern Syria. The Turks, Syrians, and Russians are the winners, the Kurds are the losers, and we look like schmucks.

Turks Continue Offensive As Trump Imposes Weak-Kneed Sanctions

As the Turkish invasion of northern Syria continues, Donald Trump responds with basically nothing.

Trump Doesn’t Care If ISIS Terrorists Return To Europe

President Trump is basically saying he does not care if ISIS prisoners return to Europe to commit terror attacks.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump On Syrian Kurds: They Didn’t Help Us At Normandy

Trump makes a particularly dumb comment about our alliance with Syrian Kurds.

Turkish Forces Cross Border Into Northern Syria, Hit Kurdish Areas

Just days after President Trump agreed to remove American forces from the scene, Turkish forces are entering northern Syria and Kurdish forces say they ar ready for war.

9/11/01, Eighteen Years Later

Eighteen years after the September 11th attacks, it’s becoming harder to remember what the world used to be like.

Compare and Contrast

Trump’s words on Monday versus, well, almost every other time he speaks…

On A Day That Called For National Unity, Trump Reverted To Attacks And Division

On a day that called for national unity and empathy, President Trump couldn’t help but revert to form.

Attempted Bomber Cesar Sayoc Gets 20 Years In Prison

Cesar Sayoc, the man who started a panic in October when he sent apparent explosive devices to a number of President Trump’s critics, has been sentenced to 20 years in prison

Amid Trump-Created Humanitarian Crisis, One Photograph Speaks A Thousand Words

One photograph that has gone viral is standing as a visualization of the Trump Administration’s inhumane asylum policies.

Trump Supports Amendment To Ban Flag Burning. He’s Wrong.

Donald Trump has endorsed a proposal by a Republican Senator to ban flag burning.

The Political Reality Of Impeachment

While the drumbeat for impeachment of the President continues on the left, political reality suggests caution.

John Walker Lindh Released From Prison

John Walker Lindh, the so-called “American Taliban,” has been released from prison but the war in which he was captured goes merrily along.

Peter Mayhew, Actor Behind Chewbacca’s Mask, Dies At 74

I sense a great disturbance in the Force. As if a billion voices are crying out “No, not Chewie!!!!”

Venezuela Coup Attempt Underway

Breaking News out of Latin America

Sri Lanka Attacks Prove That ISIS Has Not Been Defeated

Sunday’s attacks in Sri Lanka make it clear that the claim that ISIS has been defeated are nowhere close to being true.

Mosque Officials Say They Warned Sri Lankan Authorities About Attacks

Further evidence that Sri Lankan authorities failed to act on warnings of rising Jihadism in their country.

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Sri Lanka Church Terror Attacks

ISIS is claiming responsibility for Sunday’s attacks in Sri Lanka, a strong sign that the claims by the Trump Administration that it had largely defeated the group were not true.

Sri Lanka Ignored Warnings Of Potential Terror Attack

Evidence is emerging that the Sri Lankan government had advance warning regarding potential terror attacks but failed to act on the information.

Congress Needs To Fix The National Emergencies Act

Instead of merely seeking to block the President’s declaration of an “emergency” at the southern border, Congress should instead significantly amend the National Emergencies Act.

Tensions Flare Between India And Pakistan

While the rest of the world looks at other events, tensions are flaring in a long-standing global hot spot.

U.S. Leaving Behind A Token Force In Syria

Rather than pulling completely out of Syria the United States will be leaving behind a token force of about 200 troops. This is a mistake.

McCabe Claims DOJ Discussed Ousting Trump

The former #2 official at the FBI is trying to sell a book.

Should There Be A Political Statute Of Limitations On Acting Like An Idiot?

The cases of Ralph Northam and Mark Herring raise a question of when, if ever, something we did in the past should follow us for the rest of our lives.

Terrorist Crossings and the Wall

Terrorists aren’t walking across the desert to get here. Flying is so much easier.

U.S. To Withdraw Up To 7,000 Troops From Afghanistan

The Pentagon is being ordered to draw up plans to withdraw roughly one-half of the American forces remaining in Afghanistan. It’s about time.

Donald Trump v. The Federal Judiciary

President Trump’s latest attack on the Federal Judiciary prompted a rare rebuke from the Chief Justice of the United States.

Joe Arpaio Files Defamation Suit Against The New York Times

Former Arizona Sheriff and Senate candidate Joe Arpaio is suing The New York Times for defamation. He doesn’t appear to have much of a case.

Democracy and Institutional Design III: Towards a More Complex Discussion of Democracy

Part III is here (a lot sooner than Part II was).

Cell Phone Alert Test Goes Basically As Planned

Yesterday’s test of the Presidential Alert system went about as planned.

9/11 And America’s Forever War

Seventeen years ago, America was thrust into a war that seemingly has no end.

The Lessons In John McCain’s Final Words

In his final words to his fellow Senators, and to his fellow Americans, Senator John McCain left a legacy, and a challenge.

Why Should Iran Trust The United States?

The Trump’s Administration’s rhetoric and actions have given the Iranians no reason to trust the United States going forward.

Charles Krauthammer Dies of Cancer, Aged 68

A towering figure gone much too soon.

Trump Arouses Controversy By Returning Salute Of North Korean General

President Trump is at the center of controversy again after video emerged of him returning the salute of a North Korean General.

Oliver North: N.R.A. Being Treated Worse Than African-Americans During Jim Crow

Oliver North is fitting right in at the N.R.A.

On Eve Of Confirmation Hearing, Haspel Suggested Withdrawing CIA Nomination

With the start of her confirmation hearings just days away, Gina Haspel’s nomination to be C.I.A. Director is by no means secure.

Trump’s Long-Delayed Trip To Great Britain Now Scheduled For July

President Trump’s on-again, off-again visit to Great Britain appears to be on again.

The “Post-Truth” Era?

General (Retired) Michael Hayden has some harsh, and concerning, criticisms of the Trump administration.