TIME 100 — The Most Influential People of the Year

TIME is having readers chose “The Most Influential People of the Year – The TIME 100” from a list of 200 candidates.

Here’s the early voting:

TIME 100 screencap early voting

Bhumibol Adulyadej, the King of Thailand, is leading the pack at the moment, followed by Korean pop singer Rain, comedian Stephen Colbert, Shigeru Miyamoto (the guy who designed the Nintendo Wii), and J.K. Rowling (the Harry Potter author), the singer Bono, and rising hockey star Sidney Crosby.

I am somewhat skeptical of the methodology. At least President Bush is beating out former American Idol contestant Sanjaya Malakar. Of course, when Howard Stern (currently high on the list himself) weighs in, that might change.

TIME 100 logo Bhumibol Adulyadej, the King of Thailand, TIME 100 PhotoRain TIME 100 PhotoStephen Colbert TIME 100 PhotoJ K Rowling TIME 100 PhotoSidney Crosby TIME 100 Photo


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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Christopher says:


  2. carpeicthus says:

    I think you’re misreading the chart. It looks like Stephen Colbert is #1, which is indisputably true.

  3. James Joyner says:

    I think you’re misreading the chart. It looks like Stephen Colbert is #1, which is indisputably true.

    Colbert is the first choice offered in the poll but he was a distant third in votes at the time I did the screencap.

  4. NoZe says:

    I’ve only heard of nine of these people…is that bad? And that’s including Sanjaya, who I only know of by reputation…

  5. Richard Gardner says:

    Thanks for also including who those top vote-getters are. I only recognize half of them, and not #1 nor 2.

  6. Matthew J. Stinson says:

    Heh, #1 and #2 look like typical Asian poll-rigging. I’m just surprised the Koreans were bested by the Thais at the time of that screencap.

  7. James Joyner says:

    I’ve only heard of nine of these people…is that bad?and I only recognize half of them, and not #1 nor 2.

    Same here. I was vaguely aware Rain was a singer but presumed it was a blonde female American teenager.

    I had never heard of Miyamoto even though I got a Wii for Christmas and had one of the original 8-bit Nintendos in the late 1980s.