Word of the Year: 2009 Edition
I’d like to nominate the Jim Henley-coined word “Barastroika!” as the best new word of 2009. Someone might top it, but it’s going to have to be a hell of a word.
I’d like to nominate the Jim Henley-coined word “Barastroika!” as the best new word of 2009. Someone might top it, but it’s going to have to be a hell of a word.
This word of the year thing is now irrelevant, from 2007 forward into the end of time the words HOPE&CHANGE shall be tied for number one!!! Hell, I also will call for changing zero into one for the numerical symbol that represents first place cause zero comes fist anyway, it’s only fair.
I prefer ‘Obamarama’. It makes sense without knowing any foreign words… or history.
And here I thought that the connection to foreign history was what made it the word of the year.