Under the Bus

The career of Larry Schwartz, who is the Counselor for Public Affairs at the US Embassy in Cairo, is over.

Is Government Inefficient?

A former Obama official says government should learn from business, but is private industry really more efficient?

Everybody Hates Breezewood, Pennsylvania

An object lesson in bureaucracy and the reason why infrastructure projects aren’t as easy to complete as some think.

Peter Orszag: The Only Way To Save The Postal Service Is To Privatize it

The President’s former Budget Director joins the ranks of those calling for Postal privatization.

Mike Bloomberg Wants To Control The Size Of Your Soft Drink

New York City’s Mayor wants to control the size of soft drinks.

TSA’s Security Through Bureaucracy

Security theater and the bureaucratic mentality.

The War On Small Business

Trying to open a new business can be a massive and costly headache.

EU Bars Claim That Water Prevents Dehydration

From Europe, a case of regulation gone nuts.

Rick Perry’s Wrongheaded “Government Reform” Plan

Rick Perry is out with a plan to reform Washington. Mostly, it’s just a bunch of gimmicks.

A Different Perspective On The Paterno Issue

The real problems at Penn State aren’t just going away now that Joe Paterno is gone.

When Is A $16 Muffin Not a $16 Muffin?

It turns out DOJ didn’t have $16 muffins after all–they were just charged $16 for each muffin.

Justice Department’s $16 Muffins and $32 Cracker Jacks

The DOJ needs to go on a low-carb diet.

Privatizing The Post Office Is The Only Way To Save It

We are being warned once again that the Postal Service is on the verge of financial collapse. There really is only one solution.

Putting Calorie Counts On Restaurant Menus Doesn’t Accomplish Anything

Not surprisingly, people still order that big juicy cheeseburger even after being told it contains over 1,000 calories.

Two Ridiculous Defenses of the Ryan Medicare Plan

Arguments for the Ryan Plan that characterize it as being “against bureaucracy” are apparently oblivious to the fact that private health insurance is full of bureaucracy.

In Defense of Bureaucracy

Yes, bureaucracies can be annoying, but they are also vital for modern society.

TSA Workers Gain Right to Join Most Pointless Union Ever

TSA screeners will now have the right to join a union. Or at least a union that can’t actually negotiate much of anything.

When Will Full Body Scans Become Mandatory?

We’re probably just one big scare away from mandatory full-body scans.

Former Car Czar Hates Democracy

Former car czar Steve Rattner sat down with Ezra Klein to whine about how the American people and its Congress wouldn’t just turn over the whole economy to unelected experts such as himself.

When Government Hands You Lemons

According to health inspectors in Portland, Oregon, this little girl is potentially a threat to your health and safety.

Krugman vs. The Actuaries on Medicare

Paul Krugman’s Medicare projections don’t line up with what the actuaries are telling us.

The Lie of Shovel Ready Jobs

President Obama was shocked –SHOCKED! — to learn that bureaucracy and contracting hassles delay construction projects.

How Stupid Can Cops Be?

Some cops apparently still haven’t figured out that it’s legal to take pictures in public places — even of cops.

Waiving the Jones Act

Should Obama waive restrictions on international shipping, as Bush did during Katrina? It’s more complicated than you may think.