Dixie Chicks: Bush a Dumb F—

The Dixie Chicks have decided to go all Bush, all the time.

The international press won’t get their first look at the documentary Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing until its gala premiere at the Toronto Film Festival tonight. But EW.com got an early look at the sure-to-be-controversial doc in Los Angeles and can attest that the film will continue to bring the (ex?) country trio more plaudits from progressives and further condemnation from conservatives. And if you think singer Natalie Maines had some harsh words for President Bush in public, wait till you hear what she had to say about him behind the scenes.

Photo Dixie Chicks Bush Dumb Fuck COUNTRY DISCOMFORT Audiences in Toronto get to see the first public screening of the new Dixie Chicks doc on Sept. 12 In one memorable scene, Maines watches news footage of the president being interviewed about the furor that followed the singer’s on-stage comment that she was ”ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas,” which resulted in the group being dropped from most radio stations, as well as protests and plummeting sales. ”The Dixie Chicks are free to speak their mind,” Bush told Tom Brokaw at the time, adding, ”They shouldn’t have their feelings hurt just because some people don’t want to buy their records when they speak out. You know, freedom is a two-way street.”

After watching this footage, Maines repeats the president’s comment about how the group shouldn’t have their ”feelings hurt,” incredulous, and then says, ”What a dumb f—.” She then looks into the camera, as if addressing Bush, and reiterates, ”You’re a dumb f—.”


Initially, sisters Emily Robison and Martie Seidel seem downcast over their apparently nose-diving popularity, but Maines assures them, ”I think this is better for our career.” And when whether to stay quiet or get their backs up becomes an issue, the singer jokes, ”Now that we’ve f—ed ourselves, I think we have a responsibility to continue to f— ourselves,” amid gales of laughter.


Cameras are rolling when the three women and their cowriters are working on the lyrics for the title song of Taking the Long Way, their latest album — including the moment of creation of a key line: ”Wouldn’t kiss all the asses that they told me to.” One of the band members proposes adding an addendum, quickly scotched: ”Gave a lot of [oral sex], but wouldn’t kiss all the asses!” ”We did kiss SOME asses,” another member adds, in full disclosure. Clearly, though, the days of butt-smooching are over for this gleefully contentious group.

Classy as always.

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Gone Hollywood

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Tano says:

    So whats the big deal? They sound like normal people to me. Stating the obvious…

  2. anjin-san says:

    Classy? You mean classy like Bush constantly telling fart jokes in the oval office classy?

  3. Christopher says:

    Comment in violation of site policies deleted.

  4. Christopher says:

    I sure am glad I already had their first album which is truly GREAT music. But I would never ever buy another album of theirs based on their crude vulgar views.

  5. Keep digging ladies.

  6. jpe says:

    I thought classy and country were mutually exclusive.

  7. Stormy70 says:

    Having some trouble selling out those stadiums, eh ladies. This group is done as a mega-selling force.
    Now they can play more intimate crowds, and be more meaningful, and stuff.

  8. Mark says:

    I still watch Bruce Willis and Mel Gibson movies despite their political views. Does this make me a bad liberal? Should I be spending time on liberal blogs insulting them instead?

  9. DC Loser says:

    James, what happened to your rules about the comments board? Didn’t you already tell Chris once to knock off with the jap comments?

  10. just me says:

    I have said this several times, but will say it again.

    The DC have a right to their opinion, and a right to say it. What they don’t have a right to is their fans continueing to purchase their albums and venue tickets, because they don’t like what was said.

    The DC essentially forgot who their fans were. It is possible to be a liberal leaning country music singer-Willie Nelson is proof of that. The chicks are reaping what they sowed.

    I do think if they make a successful crossover into pop, which I think they are talented enough to do, they will generate a new fan base, and probably do fine, but I don’t think they are going to make much more money in country-they have burned too many bridges with the people that buy the albums and buy the tickets.

  11. Eneils Bailey says:

    I like the fat one with the mullet.

  12. Triumph says:

    Is it still legal to waterboard these “Chicks”?

  13. LHS says:

    I used to work for a Hollywood production company and for a few years spent a fair amount of time on film sets. Actors tend to be vain, vapid, self-absorbed and insecure people who, without writers to put words in their mouths and make them interesting characters, would be attractive ciphers. That’s a generalization and there are exceptions, of course, but for the most part it’s true. I imagine singers aren’t much different. People who get into the entertainment industry tend to crave attention and aren’t generally known for their common sense or stability.

    After being around these people for awhile I’ve always wondered why anyone cared what entertainers thought about anything. Anyone relying on the Dixie Chicks for insight into politics fully deserve the pearls of wisdom they’re dispensing.

  14. Bandit says:

    ‘I used to work for a Hollywood production company and for a few years spent a fair amount of time on film sets. ‘

    Having worked in the music business – musicians are without a doubt the dumbest people on the face of the earth. And they compound it with unmatched self absorbtion.

  15. DC Loser says:

    I’m not sure if politicians are a tossup with musicians when it comes to intelligence and self-absorption.

  16. McGehee says:

    Who are these people again? The name sounds familiar but…

  17. LJD says:

    The name of the documentary is Shut Up and Sing?

    Shouldn’t they take their own advice? Or is this how they feel they’re being (rightfully) treated?

  18. Christopher says:

    Way to go, James. You let anjin-san talk about GB telling fart jokes (???) but you delete MY comments. Maybe be a little more consistent?

  19. James Joyner says:

    Christopher: a-j’s comment was rather silly but didn’t insult anyone participating in the discussion.

  20. Ray says:

    The international press won’t get their first look at the documentary Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing until its gala premiere at the Toronto Film Festival tonight.

    Translation: Not opening at a theater near you!

    I’m not sure if politicians are a tossup with musicians when it comes to intelligence and self-absorption.

    The only difference is that the politicians don’t flaunt their drug and alcohol abuse (except for a former mayor in DC), musicians do.