Trump, Bezos, and the slippery slope of authoritarianism.
The 5th Circuit upholds a lower court ruling but narrows its scope considerably.
The state has banned the teaching of science in science classes.
Weirdly, politicians who don’t understand the debt ceiling also don’t understand other things.
The attack at the Pelosi house should surprise no one.
Beyond who her spouse is, the texts to Meadows reveal a deeply concerning situation.
A Supreme Court Justice’s wife urged the White House and Congressional Republicans to steal the 2020 election.
People, details do in fact matter!
But from what? Comparing two stories from Tennessee that show our society’s contradictory impulses when it comes to “protecting the children.”
The right questions are: 1) why do some some on the right like him, and 2) should this concern us all?
An interesting if frustrating new survey from Cato.
The President gave a delusional rant to a half-empty stadium thanks to some crazy kids.
Twitter is banning all political advertising from its site. It is a largely meaningless decision, but it’s still a bad idea.
South Park mocked Chinese censorship so, of course, they were censored in China.
Tulsi Gabbard has filed a seemingly frivolous lawsuit against Google due to a temporary suspension of her advertising account.
Joe Biden delivered his first major foreign policy address of the campaign. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than what we have right now.
An author’s greatest nightmare unfolded on live radio.
A student in Florida has been charged with creating a disturbance after declining to recite the Pledge Of Allegiance in class.
A particularly appalling case of press censorship from Australia.
Former Arizona Sheriff and Senate candidate Joe Arpaio is suing The New York Times for defamation. He doesn’t appear to have much of a case.
Jamal Khashoggi’s final column includes a message that should resonate far beyond the Arab world it was addressed to.
The State of Texas is arguing in Court that a school district can force a student to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. This is a blatant violation of the First Amendment.
Facebook, Google, and several other companies have closed down accounts associated with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Conservatives claim to support freedom of speech and freedom of expression, but they’ve utterly failed that test when it comes to their reaction to players who peacefully and respectfully kneel during the National Anthem.
Alex Jones is finally being called on to answer for his irresponsible lying about events like the Sandy Hook shooting.
The Internet is a global platform. Should every country’s laws apply to everyone using it?