OTB Caption Contest Winners
The People Of Walmart Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
The People Of Walmart Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.
First: MStrB – Its still safer to drive than a Pinto
Second: soopermexican – I dunno.. I think everyone else at the TeaParty is gonna have bigger stuff. Just sayin…
Third: Drew – No. No. Don’t be silly, they’re just for “kinetic military action.”
charles austin – Unsafe at any speed.
Clay_Arts – We’re never going to win this kinetic military action with Tiki Torches.
Jim King – “Oh yea, well this baby get 4-5 RPG’s/gallon, how about your vehicle?”
Nathan Wurtzel – This morning’s commute into Washington DC would be different. No one would drive 35 in the left lane in front of them ever again.
Matt – Dammit, Yusef! You ordered the Packers RPG’s. You KNOW Abdul is a Bears fan.
Michael Hamm – No drugs here. You’re free to go.
Doug Mataconis – “Did one of you guys bring Diet Coke? I forgot to pack it.”
“Be careful, the accelerator sticks a little.”
“I was skeptical at first, but now I’m glad we invited Charlie Sheen along.”
“…and if it blows up, we just sue GM.”
“Quick… close the trunk, Ralph Nader’s coming.”
The Monday Contest is already having a wild time.
my pick for first lol…..
Woo hoo! Thanks for the HM, RD.