David Frum: I Was Wrong To Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

A former opponent of same-sex marriage admits he was wrong.

Class Times and Drinking Behavior

A new study shows that college students who take late classes drink more alcohol.

Single-Sex Dorms Are No Sex Dorms?

Catholic University president John Garvey explains “Why We’re Going Back to Single-Sex Dorms.”

Weiner Admits Messaging with 17-Year-Old Girl

Where’s the line when a public figure interacts with a teenage fan?

Gary Johnson Excluded From June 13th New Hampshire Debate

Is it appropriate for news organizations to decide that the people don’t need to hear from certain political candidates?

Applebee’s Serves Toddler Alcohol Instead of Juice

A 15-month-old was accidentally served a mixed drink instead of apple juice.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Kleinfelds of New YorkDelhi Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Return of the Class System – Concierge Everything

Cruise lines are the latest to create separate enclaves for customers willing to pay more to escape the riffraff.

Saudi Arabia Hoping To Bribe Its Citizens Not To Revolt

Is Saudi Arabia the next domino to fall in the Middle East? The Royal family is hoping that money will be enough to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Coffee Consumption: Me vs. The World

I drink more coffee a month than the average person does a year. Indeed, I easily go through more than the 12 kilograms that represents the top end of the scale.

National Drinking Habits

Americans drink less than Europeans and far less than Russians.

Social Conservatives Leading Effort To Block Legalization Of Sunday Alcohol Sales In Georgia

The success of Christian conservatives in blocking efforts to legalize Sunday alcohol sales in Georgia demonstrates why concentrating solely on national politics is a mistake.

Recommended Reading on the Drug War

The US drug policy gang: Dopey, Boozy, Smokey and Stupid?

Michelle Obama “Linked” to Pedestrian Deaths

Pedestrian fatalities are up. Experts blame Michelle Obama.

Gun Rights and Crazy People

We have laws preventing the sales of gun to crazy people. We’re not enforcing them very well.

Monogamy and Alcohol

New research shows that “across the world the main social groups which practice polygyny do not consume alcohol” and, conversely, “a positive correlation between monogamy and alcohol consumption (and especially between monogamy and drunkenness) across societies.”

Silver Tequila: Greatest Scam on Earth?

Silver tequila is being marketed as an upscale super premium when, in fact, it’s the lowest form of tequila.

Incoming House Majority Leader Endorses Plan To Destroy Constitution

Incoming House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is speaking positively about an Amendment that would drastically alter the relationship between the Federal Government and the states, and a method of ratifying it that could do serious damage to the Constitution as a whole.

Running For Office Someday? Your Facebook Page May Say Otherwise

Those images on your Facebook page may come back to haunt you if you decide to run for office someday.

Alcohol More Lethal Than Heroin and Cocaine!

Perhaps the dumbest study ever published in the Lancet compares the negative effects of alcohol and illicit drugs without controlling for incidence.

Booze Math: How Much Do Alcoholics Drink?

Experts say 80% of all alcohol sales go to people with drinking problems. The mathematics of that are staggering.

Soldiers: Not Poor, Stupid Hicks

Yet another study shows what any of us who’ve ever spent any time around soldiers already knew: Our Army is not comprised of stupid people who couldn’t find a decent job.

Gestation is Destiny

The nine months humans spend in the womb may be the most important time of our lives. And that has some profound implications.

Marijuana Legalization Initiative Leading In California Polls

This November, California could become the first state in the nation to completely legalize the possession and sale of marijuana. And the battle over the ballot initiative is having an impact on other statewide races.

Northern Virginia Tragedy Becomes Part Of National Immigration Debate

A fatal car crash on a country road in Northern Virginia has become part of the national debate on over illegal immigration.

Army: More Dangerous To Ourselves Than The Enemy

A review by the Army of its alarming spike in suicides blames it on the new strain of risk-seeking recruits who join during wartime and commanders who neglect to rein them in.

Newt Gingrich: America Should Be More Like Saudi Arabia

Newt Gingrich says that because there are no churches in Riyadh, we shouldn’t allow a mosque in New York.

Virginia Privatizing Alcohol Sales?

Virginia’s governor wants the state to get out of the liquor business after 76 years. It’s about time.

Drunk Driving Requires Driving

Pennsylvania Supreme Court says cops can’t arrest people sleeping in parking lots for drunk driving. Cops and DAs are annoyed.

Today’s Vocab Word: “Purple Drank”

Thanks to JaMarcus Russell, I have learned a new term.

Robert Byrd, Emperor Palpatine of Pork

The late Senator Robert Byrd’s legacy as the master of pork barrel spending is secure.

McChrystal Quotes Alcohol Fueled?

General McChrystal and company spilled their guts to Rolling Stone on a road trip during which they were imbibing steadily.