Alabama Executes Domineque Ray Under Questionable Circumstances

Critics on both the Left and the Right rightly see an injustice here but the US Supreme Court allowed it to happen.

Florida Governor Removes Broward County Sheriff Over Inaction In Parkland Shooting

Florida’s New Governor has removed the Sheriff of Broward County over his officer’s lack of response before and during the Parkland shooting.

Court: Sheriff, School Board Had No Duty To Protect Students In Parkland Shooting

A Federal Judge has ruled that neither the Sheriff’s Office nor the School Board had a specific duty to protect individual students during the shooting last February in Parkland, Florida.

White Supremacist Found Guilty In Murder Of Charlottesville Counter-Protester

The white supremacist charged with killing a counter-protester during last year’s events in Charlottesville has been convicted of first-degree murder.

Evidence Against Saudi Crown Prince In Khashoggi Murder Continues To Mount

The evidence against Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi continues to mount. Will the Trump Administration care?

Supreme Court To Decide If Nearly Half Of Oklahoma Belongs To Native Americans

Yesterday. the Supreme Court heard argument in a case that makes the argument that nearly half of Oklahoma is actually Native American territory.

C.I.A. Concludes Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi

The C.I.A. has apparently concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. What will the Trump Administration do about this?

Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter Indicted On 44 Federal Counts

The man responsible for the deaths of eleven people in a Pittsburgh synagogue has been indicted on 44 counts by a Federal Grand Jury.

Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter Charged With Multiple Federal And State Crimes

Charges have been filed against the man responsible for the massacre in Pittsburgh in both Federal and State court.

Washington Supreme Court Declares Life Without Parole For Juveniles Unconstitutional

Another landmark decision from the Washington State Supreme Court.

California Man Held In Prison For 20 Years Freed After DNA Evidence Clears Him

Another example of just how imperfect our system of justice can be.

Washington State Supreme Court Declares Death Penalty Unconstitutional

Last week, the Washington State Supreme Court declared the death penalty unconstitutional. The latest in a string of victories for opponents of capital punishment.

The Great Nixonian Bagel Scandal Of 2018

With the Democratic Primary just days away, Andrew Cuomo’s Democratic challenger in New York is making headlines thanks to a rather odd culinary choice.

Donald Trump v. The Rule Of Law

Donald Trump spent part of Labor Day engaged in yet another unhinged attack on his own Justice Department.

As Hearings Begin, Support For Kavanaugh Nomination Falls Along Party Lines

The confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh begin today, but the outcome seems foreordained.

Trump Attacks Manafort Prosecution

Once again, the President has thrown the Rule of Law under the bus.

[Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles] [Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles]

Pope Francis Declares Capital Punishment Unacceptable In All Circumstances

In what amounts to a significant, albeit not surprising, change in Catholic doctrine, Pope Francis has declared that the death penalty is unacceptable in all circumstances.

Trump Nominates Judge Brett Kavanaugh To Replace Anthony Kennedy

A selection that is likely to keep the Senate GOP united and red-state Democrats up for re-election under pressure to vote to confirm.

Anthony Kennedy’s Right to Retire

A thoughtful liberal argues the Justice has “altered and destroyed his legacy” by allowing Donald Trump to appoint his successor.

Majority Opposes Overruling Roe v. Wade

As Washington gets ready to fight a new battle over Roe v. Wade an new poll shows that most Americans oppose overturning that decision.

Trump’s Supreme Court Short List

President Trump’s short list of potential Supreme Court nominees consists mostly of conventionally conservative, well-qualified, jurists.

Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy Announces Retirement

After thirty years on the bench, during which he played a central role in some of the Supreme Court’s most significant rulings, Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring.

Donald Trump Once Again Goes To War Against The Rule Of Law

Donald Trump continues to demonstrate that he has nothing but utter contempt for the Rule of Law. At some point, he will either be called to account for this or our nation’s institutions will suffer as a result.

Supreme Court Reaffirms Defendant’s Right To Decide Whether Or Not To Plead Guilty

Earlier this week, the Supreme Court handed down a decision that reaffirmed a principle that should be axiomatic, namely the idea that a Defendant has the sole authority to decide whether or not to concede guilt.

[Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles] [Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles]

Alabama Executes Walter Leroy Moody, Perpetrator of Racist Bombing Spree

If we’re going to have a death penalty, he was its poster boy.

Andrew Cuomo to Pardon All Parollees to Restore Their Vote

Unable to get his way with the legislature, New York’s governor is taking a provocative step.

Kevin Williamson and the Limits of Polite Discourse

The Atlantic fired one of their few conservative voices for saying women who have abortions should be hanged. Was this beyond the pale?

Tough Talk on Drugs is Empty Talk

President Trump is not being bold on drugs. Instead, he is just recycling old, failed idea.

Letting Trump be Trump

If you’re tired of the restraint being shown by this President, you may be in luck.

Trump: Execute All the Big Drug Dealers

The President would like to copy Singapore’s zero-tolerance policy. The US Constitution stands in his way.

Trump Derides Immigration From ‘Shithole’ Countries

Once again, President Trump opens his mouth and proceeds to insult a good part of the world while embarrassing the country.

Notorious Mass Murderer Charles Manson Dead at 83

Charles Manson, who led a cult-like “family” to a series of murders in 1969 and subsequently spent more than 40 years in prison, has died at the age of 83.

Trump And The Rule Of Law

In his time as President, Donald Trump has demonstrated as much contempt for the rule of law as he did as a candidate.

Bowe Bergdahl Receives Dishonorable Discharge, Reduction In Rank, Will Not Serve Prison Time

Bowe Bergdahl received a dishonorable discharge and reduction in rank, but will not serve time in prison.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Pleads Guilty To Desertion And Other Charges

The Bergdahl case comes to an end.

Local Politics as it Should Be but Seldom Is

A race for the Virginia House of Delegates straight out of a civics book.

Donald Trump’s Words On Charlottesville Were Weak, Inadequate, And Cowardly

Donald Trump has had harsher things to say about Rosie O’Donnell than he did about the people responsible for yesterday’s violence. That says something about him.

South Carolina Police Officer To Plead Guilty In Walter Scott Shooting

A guilty plea in a particularly shocking case of police brutality.

Dylann Roof Pleads Guilty To State-Level Murder Charges In Charleston Church Shootings

With the exception of the mandatory Federal death penalty appeals, the legal process is basically over in the Charleston Church shootings.

Military Judge Declines To Dismiss Case Against Bowe Bergdahl Based On Trump’s Comments

A military judge has rejected a motion to dismiss the case against Bowe Bergdahl based on comments made by Donald Trump when he was a candidate for President.

Dylann Roof Sentenced To Die For Charleston Church Murders

Not surprisingly, Dylann Roof received a sentence of death for the murder of nine people at a historic African-American church.

Dylann Roof Found Guilty In Federal Court Trial

To nobody’s surprise, Dylann Roof was convicted of the race-motivated murders in a Charleston church.

Dylann Roof Ruled Competent To Stand Trial

Now, the road to trial will move forward.

Federal Judge Suggests Charleston Shooter Dylann Roof May Not Be Competent To Stand Trial

The Federal Judge presiding over Dylann Roof’s murder trial suggested late last week that Roof may not presently be competent to stand trial. This does not mean that he’ll be set free, though.

Delaware Supreme Court Strikes Down Death Penalty As Unconstitutional

The death penalty appears to be effectively dead in Delaware thanks to a decision by the State Supreme Court.

Federal Trial For Charleston Shooter Dylann Roof Set For November

It won’t be a very good holiday season for Charleston Church shooter Dylann Roof.

Federal Prosecutors To Seek Death Penalty Against Dylann Roof For Charleston Shootings

Following in the footsteps of state prosecutors, Federal prosecutors have announced they will seek the death penalty for Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof.

Pfizer Bars Use Of Its Drugs In Capital Punishment

Pfizer has become the latest drug maker from barring its products from being used in executions.

Colorado Springs Shooter Robert Dear Admits Guilt, Confirms Motive, In Courtroom Outburst

The man who killed three and wounded several others at a Colorado Planned Parenthood seemingly admitted guilt and motive in a courtroom outburst, but questions about his mental capacity remain.