Is Our Problem a Lack of Public Virtue?

Are we betraying the Founders?

Trump and the Constitution

When checks and balances aren’t enough.

California’s Next Senator Lives in Maryland!

A mere technicality?

On Senate Reform

A proposal by Jamell Bouie

On American Parties

More on primaries with a foray into Madison and the general politics of power-seekers and incentives.

On Moderate Legislative Power and Other Political Dreams

A bloc of moderates is not coming to a Senate near you.

Smart Designers Create Imperfect Rules

Even the smartest designers can’t anticipate all the flaws with the rules they write.

Our Unrepresentative Government (Yet Again)

Yet another reminder about pathologies of US democracy.

Stop Blaming the Framers for Everything

America’s institutions are undemocratic but only some of them are a product of the Constitution.

Gridlock is not a Feature, it is a Bug

Gridlock doesn’t mean government stops. It just shifts who is governing.

Our Constitutional Crisis

To defang impeachment is an invitation for presidents to ignore the rule of law.

House Judiciary Committee Releases Report On Trump Impeachment

The House Judiciary Committee has issued its report on the impeachment of President Trump.

Thinking About Arguing About Politics Over Thanksgiving Dinner? Don’t

Given the times we live in, you may be tempted to argue about politics tomorrow. Here’s my advice — don’t do it.

Executive Privilege and Impeachment

George Washington invented the concept and was quite clear that it did not apply to impeachment proceedings.

Pursuing Impeachment Is A Moral Imperitive

The time for sitting on the sidelines is over. Donald Trump cannot be allowed to get away with his usurpation of power, his disdain for the law, or his continued policies that have damaged the country.

More on “A Republic, not a Democracy”

For a change not by me.

Reactions to 1619

In this case, Rich Lowry’s.

Supreme Court Takes Federal Courts Out Of Partisan Gerrymandering Fight

In a significant setback for challenges to partisan gerrymandering, the Supreme Court has effectively ruled that Federal Courts do not have jurisdiction to hear challenges to redistricting based on partisan motivations.

Bill de Blasio Running For President For Some Reason

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has entered the race for the Democratic nomination for President, making him the 23rd candidate in an already crowded field.

No, the Electoral College Wasn’t About Slavery

Princeton historian Sean Wilentz lays to rest a pernicious idea propagated by . . . Princeton historian Sean Wilentz.

Jimmy Carter Oldest President Ever

Already the longest-serving former President, he’ll pass George H.W. Bush as the longest-living tomorrow.

DC Government Passes Sweeping Emissions Standards

One of the strongest climate regulations in the country is almost certainly unconstitutional.

Corey Stewart Caught Praising The Confederacy In 2017 Campaign Video

The Republican Party’s nominee for Senator in Virginia really is as bad as you’ve heard, probably worse.

A Senate Surprise In The Garden State? Probably Not

New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez is running for a third term under a dark ethical cloud. That probably won’t matter.

Madison, Will, and the Ambitions of the GOP

Madison was right about politicians and ambition. He just didn’t see the how it would all play out.

George Will: Vote Democrat in November

The dean of conservative columnists argues that the Republican Congress must be taught a lesson.

Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit That Sought To Strike Down Federal Marijuana Laws

A Federal Judge has dismissed a lawsuit that sought to invalidate Federal laws against marijuana use and possession.

Federal Lawsuit Seeks To Challenge Federal Laws Against Marijuana

A Federal Court in New York City is set to hear argument tomorrow in a case that essentially argues that a large swath of Federal laws regarding marijuana are unconstitutional.

A Return to “a Republic, not a Democracy”

And a little Electoral College for good measure.

Federal Court Strikes Down North Carolina Congressional Districts As Partisan Gerrymandering

A Federal Court in North Carolina has issued a stinging ruling against the partisan gerrymandering undertaken by the Republican legislature in that state.

Supreme Court Takes On A Second Political Gerrymandering Case

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a second case dealing with political Gerrymandering.

Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Case On Partisan Gerrymandering

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear its first case on partisan gerrymandering in more than ten years, but opponents of the practice shouldn’t start celebrating just yet.

A “Republic v. Democracy” Lexicon

Concepts, basic applications, and even a bibliography! Merry Festivus, everyone.

Democracy, Demagogues, and Populist Pandering

The rise of Trump and Sanders has resurrected a debate as old as Western civilization.

Donald Trump Suggests Marco Rubio May Not Be Eligible To Be President

Donald Trump is trolling the depths of the Internet’s conspiracy dungeons once again. This time to raise the largely absurd argument that Marco Rubio may not be eligible to serve as President.

Supreme Court Approves States Outsourcing Redistricting to Commissions

SCOTUS has upheld the use of election commissions to draw Congressional district lines.

Joe Biden Still Wants You To Think He’s Running For President

Hillary Clinton continues to look more inevitable by the day, but Joe Biden doesn’t want to go away just yet.

How To Argue With Family About Controversial Political Topics At Thanksgiving: Don’t

Today is a day for turkey and football, not a day for politics.

Eliminate Midterm Elections? Only If You Want To Make Congress Even Less Representative

Two Duke University academics make an incredibly weak, ultimately unpersuasive, argument in favor of eliminating midterm elections by changing the length of Congressional terms.

Wikipedia Wants to Eliminate The Federalist! Oh, noes!

When I saw the entry at memeorandum proclaiming that “Wikipedia Is Now Trying To Eliminate The Federalist’s Online Entry,” I was flummoxed.

Today in Circular Reasoning

Back to the Ten Commandments and Alabama politics.

The Anti-Federalist Impulse

Many who speak with great passion about the Constitution rather frequently make anti-Federalist arguments.

More on Moore

The line “don’t know much about history” comes to mind.