Trump’s Disdain for the Military

With a guest appearance by Hitler.

Trump’s Bizarre, Anti-Veteran Rant

The Toddler-in-Chief strikes again.

Andrew Sullivan’s Complicated Legacy

The one-time wunderkind, blogging pioneer, and same-sex marriage champion is now on the outs.

The free high-resolution photo of read, advertising, newspaper, food, magazine, fast food, literature, press, waiting room, supermarket, poster, magazines, sale, journalism, folders, fashion magazine , taken with an unknown camera 03/11 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required. The free high-resolution photo of read, advertising, newspaper, food, magazine, fast food, literature, press, waiting room, supermarket, poster, magazines, sale, journalism, folders, fashion magazine , taken with an unknown camera 03/11 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.

The Atlantic’s Layoffs

The venerable magazine is following industry trends. Is the billionaire owner a monster?

You Bet Republicans Would Break The “Garland Rule” To Fill A SCOTUS Seat

Anyone who doubts that Republicans would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020 is being incredibly naive.

Chuck Grassley Says He Wouldn’t Consider SCOTUS Nominee In 2020

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley says he would not consider a Supreme Court nominee in 2020. But does he really mean it?

Kevin Williamson Doesn’t Want Women Murdered and Doesn’t Belong at The Atlantic

Argumentation without the intent to persuade is masturbation, not journalism.

Kevin Williamson and the Limits of Polite Discourse

The Atlantic fired one of their few conservative voices for saying women who have abortions should be hanged. Was this beyond the pale?

Hillary Clinton Attacks Foreign Policy She Helped Create And Implement

Does Hillary Clinton remember that she was Secretary of State for four years?

Progress On Iran Nuclear Deal?

Signs of some progress in the talks over Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

Swiss Report Supports Theory Yasser Arafat Was Poisoned, But Doesn’t Prove It

Was Arafat poisoned? A new report raises some questions, but answers none of them conclusively.

Susan Rice, Samantha Power, And Syria

How would the addition of Susan Rice and Samantha Power to the President’s foreign policy team affect policy toward Syria’s civil war?

Was Obama’s Syrian “Red Line” A Mistake?

President Obama may regret drawing a line in the sand over Syrian chemical weapons.

Pot Calls The Kettle Hack

Alex Pareene’s annual hack list omits an obvious candidate: Alex Pareene.

Is The Gun Debate Over?

Conor Friedersdorf contends “The U.S. Already Had a Conversation About Guns—and the Pro Side Won.”

Israel Seems Headed Toward An Invasion Of Gaza

The conflict between Israel and Hamas appears to be heading in one unfortunate direction.

Don’t Try To Parse Chris Christie

Pundits on the left and the right are having a hard time understanding what Chris Christie’s praise of the President is all about.

Romney Campaign Fumbles Initial Response To Attacks In Egypt And Libya

Mitt Romney’s initial response to the attacks in Egypt and Libya displayed a tendency to jump the gun rather than wait for the facts.

Joint Chiefs Chairman: An Israeli Attack On Iran Would Be Unsuccessful And Counterproductive

General Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sent a message to Israel last week.

Fareed Zakaria Reads (And Copies From) The New Yorker So You Don’t Have To

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria looks to be caught in a bit of a plagiarism scandal.

Damascus Attack Kills Key Members Of Syrian Government

Several key members of the Syrian government were killed in a suicide bomb attack today in Damascus.

Mormonism Sure Is Weird

Jeffrey Goldberg asks, “What if Mitt Romney were Jewish?”

Tucker Carlson: Morally Bankrupt and Intellectually Void

This is one of the most draw-droppingly stupid 29 seconds I have experienced in some time.

Christopher Hitchens Dead at 62


Obama Reiterates Statements On Israeli-Palestinian Talks In AIPAC Speech

President Obama doubled down in his speech before this year’s AIPAC conference. Why he did so only he understands.

The ‘Lara Logan Deserved It’ Meme

Prominent commentators on the Left and Right are amused by an outrageous assault on CBS reporter Lara Logan.

Onlookers gather around a damaged car after a bomb exploded in Alexandria Onlookers gather around a damaged car after a bomb exploded in Alexandria

Anti-Christian Terrorism: Blame Bush!?

Andrew Sullivan makes a rather bizarre charge offhandedly: “Who among the neocons would have thought that one of George W. Bush’s final legacies would be bringing pogroms, bombings and genocide to Christians in his new zone of freedom?”

Kissinger: Jews in Gas Chambers MAYBE Humanitarian Concern

If the Soviets had put Jews into gas chambers, it would have been a pity.

Backlash at TSA Security Finally Happening?

It appears that full body scanners, operated by leering yahoos under the cover of government authority, may finally be rousing the sheep who have meekly submitted to the absurd delays and indignities that have been piled on since 9/11 and sundry botched attempts.

Publishing Title Inflation

Bill Jacobson and Glenn Reynolds seem to be overly amused that Conor Friedersdorf has the title of “senior editor” over at Andrew Sullivan’s blog.

Cuba: Threat to Global Security?

Mary Anastasia O’Grady takes Jeffery Golodberg to task over his interview with Fidel Castro. Much hilarity (or, at least, poor analysis) ensues.

Fidel Castro Admits Communism Doesn’t Work

Fidel Castro is back in the public eye, but he’s singing a slightly different tune now.

Bomb Iran ? No, That Would Be A Stupid Idea

Will Israel attack Iran ? You’d better hope not.

Imam Rauf Spoke At Daniel Pearl Memorial

Park51 opponents are trying to depict Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf as an anti-American radical. Read his speech at Daniel Pearl’s memorial service and judge for yourself.

Report: U.S. Convinces Israel To Back Down On Iran, Or Maybe Not

The New York Times is reporting that the Obama Administration has convinced Israel that Iran is much further away from developing nuclear weapons than Tel Aviv fears, but there seems to be something else going on here.

What Happens If (When) Israel Bombs Iran

Every new report out of Iran seems to bring us closer to the moment when Israel has decided it’s heard enough. What happens if that day actually happens ?

Yet More Dave Weigel

A roundup of some of the more intelligent commentary on the Big Picture issues in the brouhaha of the day.