How Steve Jobs Succeeded By Failing

Before achieving astounding success, Steve Jobs had to experience disappointment and failure.

In Defense Of Chris Christie And Rahm Emanuel

Chris Christie and Rahm Emanuel are being criticized for the brusque manner they handled questions about their children’s education.

Netflix Raising Prices 60 Percent

Netflix will charge $7.99 for streaming video; it’s now a $2 add-on.

Marilyn Monroe Was NOT a Size 12!

It’s often said that 1950s sex symbol Marilyn Monroe was a size 12. It just isn’t so.

Why Can Kids See Violence But Not Porn?

Is it worse for a child to see pornography or graphic violence?

Jack Kirby in 1965. (Rosalind Kirby Estate) Jack Kirby in 1965. (Rosalind Kirby Estate)

Jack Kirby’s Heirs Suing Marvel

Jack Kirby’s heir are trying to posthumously renegotiate half-century old deals with Marvel.

Is an Electoral College Sweep even Possible?

Sunday afternoon musings on an electoral college sweeps.

James Arness Dead at 88

James Arness, best known as the iconic Marshal Dillon on Gunsmoke, has died at 88.

Broadway Actors Resent Hollywood Stars

Broadway actors are aiming a familiar lament at Hollywood stars: They’re taking our jobs!

YouTube as TV Alternative

Video entertainment is moving in two seemingly opposite directions simultaneously.

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Prevent Abortions

PP’s intensive effort to recast itself as a preventer of abortions doesn’t bear scrutiny.

Atlas Shrugged Movie Preview

I simply do not know enough expletives to adequately express how truly horrible this film was.

Google Killed the Library

Why does Hermione Granger go to the library instead of just Googling it?

Borders Books, RIP

Stuxnet A U.S.-Israeli Joint Effort?

The Stuxnet virus that has set back the Iranian nuclear weapons program by several years at least appears to have originated as a joint project between the United States and Israel.

What is the point of Tablet Computers?

The cost/benefit ratio of tablet computers seems to be a bit…. lacking.

Publisher To Delete “Racially Insensitive” Words From ‘Huckleberry Finn,’ ‘Tom Sawyer’

Just over 100 years after his death, Mark Twain’s two greatest novels are once again the subject of controversy.

Email Use Falling Among Younger Internet Users

Younger users are moving away from email as a way to communicate with others, and toward more instant forms of communication like text messaging and Twitter.

A Cuban Hospital Is No Place To Be Sick

Castro banned “Sicko” for fear that ordinary Cubans would be up in arms seeing facilities that are not available to the vast majority of them.

Obama Less Popular Than Bush?!

According to a new Gallup poll, President Obama is not only less popular than George W. Bush, but the only president from the last half century less popular is Dick Nixon.

Fixing the Copyright System

The American copyright system is broken. Cory Doctorow offers some useful suggestions for fixing it.

Jonah Goldberg: Why Isn’t Julian Assange Dead?

Jonah Goldberg has written a bad column. In this case, an op-ed in the Chicago Tribune headlined “Why is Assange still alive?”

I Love Lucy – Cheap

Amazon is making the complete “I Love Lucy” television series — a whopping 5394 minutes of entertainment on 34 discs — available for one day only at $84.99.

TV Better Than Movies

Changing economic realities led to a role reversal: television is where you turn for smart entertainment, whereas the movies have become lowbrow.

Do Jews Really Control the Media?

Responding to the rant that got Rick Sanchez fired, Slate’s Brian Palmer investigates the question, “Do Jews Really Control the Media?” His short answer, “Maybe the movies, but not the news.”

Back to Mono: Old School Reissues Rocking Rock World

Business is booming for box sets of 1960s acts remastered into the original mono.

Language Evolution: “Partner”

The use of “partner” to describe someone with whom one is in a romantic relationship has interesting connotations.

Blockbuster Goes Bust

Blockbuster is trying to reorganize itself, but it’s probably too late.

Writing The Southern Accent

Attempts to capture the speech patterns of the American South in written dialogue should be approached with extreme caution.

Is TV Too Complicated?

Has the digitization of entertainment — DVRs, iPods, iPods, digital cameras, Netflix, and so forth — transformed it from fun into work?

Dumbest GOP Meme Yet: Does The President Deserve A Vacation ?

The Obama’s are vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard again this year so, of course, it’s time for people to say stupid things about Presidential leisure activities again.

Bleg: Slide and Film Scanners, 8mm conversion

Does anybody here know anything about slide or film scanners or 8mm conversion?

Not Every Soldier Is A “Hero”

Contrary to what you read on bumper stickers, retired Lt. Col William Astore argues that not every soldier is a hero. He’s right.

Inception Busts Open The Doors Of Perception

Inception has imposed itself as the film to beat for Best Picture and, I would guess, will become the lodestone for “mind movies” for a generation. Don’t miss it.

The Return of Hitler

And we return, yet again, to specious comparisons to Hitler (and Lenin).

Newspapers Print the Legend

Journalists have been following Maxwell Scott’s advice since long before “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” was made.

Wonder Woman Gets New Costume

After 69 years fighting crime in a star-spangled bathing suit, Wonder Woman will get a super hero costume.

Liz Lemon Ugly

Corey Haim Dead at 38