DeSantis For SECDEF?

The Florida governor is among several names being floated to replace Pete Hegseth.

Marco Rubio Next Secretary of State

Trump’s foreign policy team is taking shape.

Electoral College Insanity: Florida Edition

Trump is significantly outpeforming his 2020 results in New York and Florida. It doesn’t matter.

Tabby Tuesday

So, Is This What “Conservative” Academics Looks Like?

The New College of Florida invites a white supremacist to campus.

Jamaal Bowman Defeated in Primary

The Gaza conflict has ousted a member of “the Squad.”

MAGA didn’t come from nowhere

The roots of MAGA run deep, through places like my old home.

The Last Day of the Faux Republican Primary

Two candidates enter. One candidate leaves.

DeSantis Out

The race to be the top loser in the GOP primary process just lost a competitor.

Trump Dominates Iowa, Ramaswamy Drops Out

No big surprises from the dumbest recurring contest in American politics.

Trump and the Silent Majority

Republicans want him but do they really, really want him?

Chris Christie Ends Campaign

The anti-Trump attack dog is out of the race.

Saturday Late Morning Tabs and Takes

Trump and Trump-adjacent stories for this round of Tabs.

NYE Tabs

“2023 Lists” Edition

Nikki Haley’s Unforced Error

A poor answer to a softball question has created unnecessary controversy.

Transgender Teachers Suing Florida Over Pronoun Restrictions

The inevitable pushback against the pushback has begun.

The Nikki Haley Comet

The anti-Trump forces are rallying around the former South Carolina governor and UN ambassador.

Liberal Professors Fleeing Florida

The DeSantis crackdown on academic freedom is having its desired effect.


The headline wrote itself.

I Guess He Will Back Down

Turns out there is an easy way out.

The (American) Politics of Israel-Palestine

Pick a side. No nuance allowed.

Biden Is Old and Feeble, Says Old, Feeble Man

Trump is making verbal gaffes while making fun of Biden’s verbal gaffes.

The Faux Haley Boomlet

The press really needs to stop trying to make fetch happen.

Mitt Romey with pained look on face as he has dinner with President-Elect Trump. Mitt Romey with pained look on face as he has dinner with President-Elect Trump.

Mitt Romney Confirms What We’ve Suspected For Years!

The rare case where a clickbait headline is actually appropriate.

Disclaimer of the Day

An amusing lede to an exasperating column.

Gaetz’ Gambit

What’s behind the sure-to-fail bid to oust his own party’s Speaker?

Florida has to Redraw Districts

So a court has ordered.

Petty Politics Redux

A slight recalibration (although perhaps not the one that was wanted).

Our Present Petty Polarized Politics

Common ground is, sadly, bad politics.

Trump’s Stranglehold on Republican Voters

The base is remaining loyal to the only candidate they think can beat Biden.

First Republican Debate of 2024 Season

Vivek Ramaswamy’s national coming out party was, well, interesting.

Vice President Kamala Harris participates in a meeting on Native American Voting Rights Tuesday, July 27, 2021, in the Vice President’s Ceremonial Office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at the White House. Vice President Kamala Harris participates in a meeting on Native American Voting Rights Tuesday, July 27, 2021, in the Vice President’s Ceremonial Office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at the White House.

Kamala Harris Taking Leading Role in 2024 Campaign

A counterintuitive move.

Florida Backs Down, Allows AP Psychology

Sanity has prevailed.

Florida Curriculum Politics Update

A tale from the DeSantis’ Woke Wars.

Could Trump Really Be President Again?

It’s not nearly as far-fetched as most of us would like to believe.

What Would It Take to Beat Trump for the Republican Nomination?

The former President has a 50 point lead. Is he unstoppable?

DeSantis Keeps Telling Us Who He Is

Doubling down on state standards on slavery.

lego people crowd lego people crowd

Small Town Justice?

Those who refuse to learn about the past often perpetuate its mistakes.

DeSantis Policies Come Home to Roost at New College

He’s getting what he wants.

History! What is it Good For?

Absolutely something!

Tales of Florida Governance

Fun in the sunshine state.

Neither Trump Nor DeSantis?

An unconvincing column from an old pro.

The MAGA Disconnect

They’re angry and yet having a good time.

DeSantis v. The DOE/SACSCOC

Another entry into the ongoing performative politics of Ron DeSantis.

Corporations and Pride Month

Damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Sometimes both.

Americans Think Neither Biden Nor Trump Mentally Sound to be President

Shockingly, the current President’s numbers are worse than his predecessor’s.

Is Twitter DeSantis’ Problem?

A columnist argues his failed launch was emblematic of a larger problem.


Another hat for the pile.

DeSantis Pandering to the Deplorables

Out Trumping Trump is possible because of Trump.