Companies Go On Record About Future Tariff-Related Price Increases

Trump’s core policies will drive inflation

The Demise of the Cheap, Small Car

The average new vehicle is now $48,000. And huge.

Classifying Countries by Income

What constitutes a “low income” or “high income” country?

USA Most Prepared Country for Pandemics

Despite our poor showing against COVID-19, we have the best infrastructure in place.

A Blast from the Past: CDC Funding

Looking back to a story from 2018.

U.S Women Win Fourth Overall World Cup, Second In A Row

The U.S. Women’s National Team won their second consecutive World Cup, their fourth overall, in a 2-0 win over The Netherlands.

Another Emoluments Clause Violation By Trump

Newly discovered evidence shows that foreign governments have expanded their leasing of space from at least one Trump-owned office building in New York City.

Yet Another Virginia Politician Caught In Blackface Scandal

The Virginia political dumpster fire has brought in a Republican this time.

Trump And Kim Jong Un To Meet Again Next Month

President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will meet again in February, but it’s hard to see why.

Trump’s Trade War With China Is Helping China

President Trump’s trade war with China is leading car manufacturers to shift production from the U.S. to China.

Trump’s Trade Chickens Coming Home To Roost

After nearly a year, Trump’s trade policies are having their inevitable negative impact inside the United States.

All 12 Thai Soccer Players and Coach Rescued

The Thai SEALs have completed an amazing rescue effort with success.

Responding To Trump’s Trade War, Harley-Davidson To Move Manufacturing Overseas

Once touted as an example of his deal-making prowess, Harley-Davidson sent a rebuke to President Trump by announcing it was moving some manufacturing to Europe to counteract the impact of his ongoing trade war.

Gina Haspel Confirmed As C.I.A Director

As expected, Gina Haspel was confirmed as C.I.A. Director yesterday despite her controversial record when it comes to torture.

Gina Haspel Nomination To Be C.I.A. Director Has A Clear Path To Confirmation

With a third Democrat crossing the aisle to support her, Gina Haspel now has the votes she needs to become the next C.I.A. Director.

Haspel Faces Questions About Torture, But Her Confirmation Seems Assured

Gina Haspel faced some tough questions from Democrats regarding her role in the C.I.A.’s post-9/11 torture programs, but she’s likely to be confirmed anyway.

On Eve Of Confirmation Hearing, Haspel Suggested Withdrawing CIA Nomination

With the start of her confirmation hearings just days away, Gina Haspel’s nomination to be C.I.A. Director is by no means secure.

Woman Fired After Flipping The Bird To Trump’s Motorcade Sues Former Employer

A woman who was fired after a photograph of her giving the middle finger to President Trump’s motorcade went viral is suing her former employer. She doesn’t have much of a case.

Gina Haspel Did Not Oversee Waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah (But She Pushed to Have Tapes Destroyed)

ProPublica has retracted an explosive but erroneous report about the nominee to be the next CIA Director.

Trump’s Pick For New C.I.A. Director Has a Troubling Record On Torture

By all accounts, Gina Haspel is exceedingly well qualified to be the next C.I.A. Director, but she has a troubling past that the Senate will need to at least force her to answer questions about.

Tillerson out at State

Next up: Pompeo

America’s Forgotten, And Forever, Wars

America has become involved in conflicts around the world, largely without the knowledge of the American people or the consent of their representatives, and it doesn’t appear that’s going to end anytime soon.

More Lawsuits Filed Over Trump’s Decision To End DACA

The Trump Administration has been hit with two new lawsuits over the President’s decision to end the DACA program.

Trump Surrogate: Without Donald Trump There Will Be ‘A Taco Truck On Every Corner’

A Trump surrogate warns of a “taco truck on every corner” if Trump loses. That sounds like more of a promise than a threat if you ask me.

Clinton Foundation Discloses $26 Million In Contributions It ‘Forgot’ To Disclose Before

The Clinton Foundation has disclosed that there were $26 million in donations that it had failed to disclose while Hillary was Secretary of State.

Sony Pictures Pulls ‘The Interview’ After Cyber Attacks, Threats; North Korea Suspected

With major theater chains having pulled out, Sony bowed to the inevitable, but now there appears to be proof that a foreign power is behind the Sony hacking attacks and threats of violence.

Senate Intelligence Committee Report Reveals A Dark and Regrettable Time In American History

A dark and regrettable time in American history is finally seeing the light of day.

The End of History, Continued

Twenty-five years after his seminal “End of History” article, Francis Fukuyama reflects on its legacy.

New Dictator Wins Egyptian Presidential Election

Different name, same result in Egypt.

Thailand’s Army Stages Military Coup

Another civilian government falls in Thailand.

Notwithstanding Egypt, Coups Have Become Rare

Military coups used to be far more common than they are today.

Yes, Bush Administration Used Torture

A bipartisan commission of elder statesmen confirms what we’ve known for years.

Why Pick On China?

New Twitter Policy Leads To Misguided Cries Of Censorship

Censorship or sound business practice?

The ‘Anti-Israel’ Charge

Vehement disagreement with the policy views of a country and prejudice based on immutable traits are not the same.

Blast from the Past: Newt and Drug War Logic

Back in the late 90s, Newt wanted to execute marjiuana traffickers.

Red Bull’s Billionaire Maniac

Business Week has a fascinating profile of Dietrich Mateschitz, whom they dub “Red Bull’s Billionaire Maniac.”

Congratulations, Greece (Updated)

Terrorism risk assessment: Russia at “Extreme Risk”, Greece at “High Risk”, U. S. at “Medium Risk”, Canada and Germany at “Low Risk”.