Trump’s Increasingly Fascistic Speeches

A disturbing dissection in the NYT Magazine.

It’s Not Rage, It’s Resentment?

Rural Americans are misunderstood!

Affective Partisanship

Group dynamics and limited choices.

The Raft of the Medusa

The Washington Post proves that, no matter how hard you try, you can’t cover some stories neutrally.

Comparing Trump to Hitler

The coiner of Godwin’s law gives his blessing.

Geert Wilders ‘Wins’ Dutch Elections

The trend toward hard-right parties continues.

Objectively Pro-Trump!

Can’t a pundit fantasize about an alternative to the two major parties?


Turkey’s Elections

Don’t get your hopes up.

Republicans Divided on Foreign Policy

As memory of the Cold War fades, so does support for American primacy.

Fear of a White Scholar

President Biden had a meeting with some historians. The horrors.

FBI Raids Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home

The former President and his supporters are crying “weaponization of the justice system.”

Defending the Constitution Against All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic

What should conservatives who can’t support the party of Trump do?

Judicial Supremacy vs Popular Constitutionalism

Who should have the final say on the law of the land?

A Quick Comment on Presidential Power

The pressure and expectations of a king, but with considerably less power.

The Flawed Nature of Representation in the US

Our representation problems are far, far more about structure than they are about the messaging of the parties.

Biden Pleads for Regime Change in Russia

The President commits a Kinsley gaffe.

Putin Threatens Ukrainian Statehood

A remarkable display of blaming the victim (by the victimizer).

The House of “Representatives”

The erosion of representativeness continues.

Saving American Democracy

The Politician’s Syllogism rears its ugly head.

OTB 2003 Revisited

A blast from the past.

“Why do Liberals Hate Orban?” is not the Right Question

The right questions are: 1) why do some some on the right like him, and 2) should this concern us all?

Douthat Misses the Point on Hungary

Hungary is part of a broader global trend, but the real issue isn’t Hungary, it is the Americans who praise Hungary.

Red Lights on the Dashboard

Some recent news items that add to concern about American democracy.

France Increases Vaccinations

And so general discussion of vaccine passports and requirements in the US.

Democratic Erosion in Brazil

Part of a disturbing trend.

Trump, the Rule of Law, and Normalization

Even incredibly abnormal Presidents are Presidents.

Senator Joe Manchin Is A Stupid Ape

We’re all apes. And some are willfully stupid about their public duties.

President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room. President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room.

Biden Declares Armenian Genocide a Genocide

The President has overturned decades of US foreign policy and alienated a NATO ally for, well, reasons.

Arguing Against Democracy

National Review’s Kevin D. Williamson advocates for less democracy in America.

List Of School Shootings In The United States By Death Toll

Our current forms of collective action on guns have failed us.

On Coups, Insurrections, and Security Theater

Reflections on the events of 6 January two months later.

The Pendulum Is Broken, Not Swinging

Historical precedents fall apart when we’re in a truly unprecedented time.

Burma Military Coup Ousts Suu Kyi

Aung San Suu Kyi and her top officials are under house arrest.

The end of the line

We’ve shouldn’t be surprised we’ve arrived at this destination.

The High Cost Of Authoritarianism

We spend so much time fighting over who should be in power that we don’t get anything important done.

Two Parties, Not Two Countries

We’ve just had an election, not psychoanalysis.

The Dark Side of “It’s a Republic, not a Democracy”

I couldn’t help myself.

Majority Rule, Plurality Rule, and Minority Rule

Definitions are fun, right?

President Donald J. Trump disembarks Marine One at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Friday, Sept. 18, 2020, and is escorted to Air Force One by U.S. Air Force personnel. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour) President Donald J. Trump disembarks Marine One at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Friday, Sept. 18, 2020, and is escorted to Air Force One by U.S. Air Force personnel. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)

Trump On ‘Peaceful Transition’

Whether the delusions of a madman or a deliberate scheme to poison the waters, there’s cause for concern.

Let’s Drop The “Proto” Already

American fascism is on parade, right now.

The Mundanity of Authoritarianism

Some recommended reading.

Deutschland siegt an allen fronten! Deutschland siegt an allen fronten!

The Abyss Stares Back

The Republican Party is now the mirror image of the totalitarian propagandists it used to hate.

Latin America and Covid-19

The pandemic is having serious effects in the region, and they will persist for some time.

A Post-Trump Republican Party

What would a reborn GOP look like and who would vote for it?

Stupidity Was The Other Plague We Mismanaged

Having failed to prevent or contain it, aggressive stupidity is now washing over us.

Federal Agents Using Strong-Arm Tactics in America’s Cities

Portland may be a preview of what’s to come.

Trump and the F-word

Not that one. The other one.