Trying to upend 150 years of legal understanding with the stroke of a sharpie.
Spoiler: tariff threats and other “one weird trick” approaches won’t work.
A chilling feature from the Wall Street Journal.
Those seeking to escape the global south are facing resistance from DC to London to Paris.
The Republican frontrunner continues to use Hitler’s language, praise dictators, and lionize traitors.
Eric Adams is begging for the Federal Government for relief.
Wherein I take issue with a charactization made by Tom Nichols and discuss the politics of language.
A cruel and insidious ‘solution’ to the border problem.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo looks ready to jump ship in favor of a run for Senate,
The case of Roland Gramajo is an excellent example of what’s wrong with the Trump Administration’s immigration policy.
Controversial former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was voted out of office in 2016 after serving six terms in office, is running to get his old job back.
As was the case a month ago, Vice-President Biden and Senator Kamala Harris were the focus of last night’s debate. Things turned out very differently, though.
President Trump’s nominee to be the next Director of National Intelligence is quite simply not qualified for the position he has been nominated to.
Democrats clashed, to some degree, in last night’s inaugural debate of the 2020 season but they clearly agreed far more than they disagreed.
One photograph that has gone viral is standing as a visualization of the Trump Administration’s inhumane asylum policies.
With hours to go before they were set to start. the President delayed the mass deportation raids that were supposed to begin this morning.