Not knowing the results of an election a week later is unacceptable.
Staffers are in mutiny after owners killed plans to endorse Kamala Harris for President.
Trump is significantly outpeforming his 2020 results in New York and Florida. It doesn’t matter.
Democrats and Republicans alike are less supportive than they were four years ago.
A chilling feature from the Wall Street Journal.
The first sitting New York City mayor to be so honored.
On security details and conflicting MAGA views about the danger of rhetoric
The would-be gunman was captured before he could get off a shot.
Some Democrats are unhappy Harris is touting the endorsement of the Cheneys.
Racism this explicit needs to be directly confronted
Is it the press’s responsibility to turn nonsense into sense?
Things may well get ugly regardless of the outcome of November’s election.
Or maybe a gift certificate to some online poli sci courses?
Trumps undercuts current messaging & brings up past military service controversies
A reflection the Trump campaign with helpf from James Baldwin