A Dearth of Democratic Competition

Not a lot of true competition on my ballot in Alabama.

Illustrating Representation Deficits in the US

Looking at the US South.

Toward a Functional Congress

Democrats are helping the Republican Speaker tame his nihilist wing.

Ending Judge Shopping

A long-overdue reform is meeting resistance.

New York Gerrymander May Be Back

A never-ending saga of politicians choosing their voters.

On the Median Voter

A David Brooks column inspires some thoughts.

What’s ‘Political Dysfunction’?

I know it when I see it.

An Observation about American Democracy

The ongoing Republican debacle and what it says about representative democracy in the US.

Some Electoral College Thoughts

It really is rife with problems.

Independent State Legislature Theory Loses in SCOTUS

Good news with a cautionary note.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Alabama Districts

A surprising ruling on the Voting Rights Act.

Republicans and Democratic Backsliding

When winning is the only acceptable outcome.

Minority Rule Isn’t a Myth

The will of the majority can prevail even in a skewed system.

Republicans Winning House Popular Vote?

A surprising factoid in a bad election for the party.

Supreme Court Poised to Upend Everything

The term that kicks off today could undermine our entire system of government.

Democracy Scholars for Proportional Representation

A lot of folks who study democracy have sent an open letter to Congress.

Independent State Legislature Theory

A theory floated in Bush v Gore could radically change American elections.

Defending the Constitution Against All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic

What should conservatives who can’t support the party of Trump do?

President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Medal of Valor ceremony, Monday, May 16, 2022, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Medal of Valor ceremony, Monday, May 16, 2022, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

The News is Bad for Biden

The nature of American political reporting distorts our perception of reality.

Minority Rule in a Winner-Take-All System

How long can the unsustainable be sustained?

Fixing the Primary Problem

Could Alaska point the way to a solution?

January 6 Committee Divided on Which Non-Starter Recommendations to Make

They’re taking their eye off the ball.

New York’s Gerrymandering Disarmament

When doing the right thing is the wrong thing.

A “Fairer” Map for the 2022 House?

A potentially more representative map that still underscores deep flaws in our system.

Elections with Foregone Conclusions

Greatest democracy in the world, right?

A Note on Primary Elections

Data from Texas underscore a frequent point about primaries.

Back to Court Expansion

Two members of the presidential commission reach the conclusion that expansion is needed.

Single-Seat Districts are a Huge Problem

Politicians controlling lines control voters (instead of voters controlling politicians).

Unilateral Disarmament on Gerrymandering

Democrats and Republicans are playing by different rules.

Gerrymandering State Legislatures

Representatives Choosing Their Voters Rather than Vice Versa, Chapter 412.

The House of “Representatives”

The erosion of representativeness continues.

Goodbye to Swing Districts?

A largely mythical beast may become even more rare.

Backwards: When Politicians Choose Their Voters

Voters are suppose to choose elected officials, not the other way around.

Today in Asked and Answered (Voting Rights Edition)

The Biden administration is not doing enough.

Two Nations, Indivisible

We’re an incredibly divided country but splitting it into two is impossible.

New York Plotting Aggressive Gerrymander

The Democratic legislature is likely to set aside the map proposed by the independent commission.

Is Texas Undemocratic?

The Lone Star State has enacted some peculiar new laws.

Some Additional Readings on Hungary (Tab Clearing)

For anyone who might be interested.

Negotiating the For the People Act?

Kinda, sorta, maybe, but probably not really.

Smart Designers Create Imperfect Rules

Even the smartest designers can’t anticipate all the flaws with the rules they write.

The Importance of Time Horizons in Politics

And general considerations on mid-term elections.

The Non-Competitive House

A recent report shows 78 of 435 seats in the US House are truly competitive.

Trump Judges Will Hit Their Peak in 2040

A quirk in our system combined with shrewd gamesmanship will give them unprecedented power.

United States Less Democratic Than it Used to Be

Multiple indicators point to a decline in the representativeness of the American system.

The Republican Advantage in the House

Any “fair” drawing of districts will yield a GOP advantage over time.

HR1: Good, but Not Enough

And what GOP opposition says about the party.

Stop Blaming the Framers for Everything

America’s institutions are undemocratic but only some of them are a product of the Constitution.

The Pendulum Is Broken, Not Swinging

Historical precedents fall apart when we’re in a truly unprecedented time.

Fantasies of a Post-Trump Republican Party

The GOP will almost certainly survive. But in what form?